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About Egypt

Egypt is a creative powerhouse hailing from Newark, New Jersey, currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. She’s a face, a voice, and a pro pivoter. With a passion for community engagement, whether it's through her art, collaborations, or other initiatives, she is committed to making a difference and creating a tangible space wherever she travels too.

For Egypt, there are no bad ideas, only ones that need more time to develop. She has a talent for taking ordinary things and making them extraordinary through her unique vision and perspective.

Rambling With Egypt.

A show about Egypt's accountability journey as a creative, navigation of her relationships, and stories filled with life lessons. A segment of her podcast is dedicated to a discussion with fellow creatives. These creatives' professions range from photographers, musicians, influencers, and more. These discussions are primarily focused on their creative process and experiences with fellow zodiacs'.

-Ask. Comment. Share.


“Anticipate the growth so that way you’ll enjoy.”

-Ethiopian Proverb on January 28th

All quotes are referenced from Black Pearls by Eric V. Copage A book of Daily Meditations, Affirmations,and Inspirations.